It has been intriguing to realise how quickly one acclimatises back to cold weather. Now that we are finally entering spring, it's nothing short of awesome to bask in the +5 C temperatures with sun caressing the pale skin (still wrapped in layers of clothing) after long, dark winter. It actually feels nice and for a lack of a better description: warm!
It's all relative -part comes from the fact that my colleagues back in Singapore reacted to my spring happiness by notifying that it has been particularly cold week over there this week with only +25 degrees.
Furthermore another absolutely cool (not cool as cold but as truly wonderful) aspect of spring time is the days that start to extend from both ends. Sun rises already at 6.38 AM and sets at 6.21 PM here in Helsinki. We are getting about 5 minutes extension each day now. It's funny how one does not get used to this even after living for decades in Finland. It feels always such a surprise to have more and more hours of sunlight in a day. It's only such a short while ago when I went to work while it was dark and returned home when it was dark again.
First plants surfacing in Kamppi |
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