Sunday, 31 August 2014

The end is nigh

My days are numbered. Twenty three months already done, only one more month to go and then it is all over. I booked one way trip back to Helsinki feeling pretty sad about it. I would have not have minded to continue for another year, which was an option on the table, but my family insisted on following the original plan A. 

October is pretty much the most miserable season to venture back into Finland. It is wet, dark and cold. When the snow comes, typically in December, then at least it is not as dark anymore due to snow reflecting some light. Also when it starts to be seriously cold outside people finally start to dress properly in their winter clothing. Until then folks go freezing in their half warm autumn wear.
I guess I have to shake these feelings away by going to the pool to read my book and recharge some of those vitamin D operated biological batteries while I still can.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Nerd at 4k (Extra curriculum activities part II)

This edition of the blog is going to be particularly lengthy description of the mountain hike excursion I concluded last weekend. This blog entry has very little to do with the relocation theme of the blog other than trips like these are perfectly doable on a long weekend when based in Singapore. So brace yourselves. Here comes easily the longest entry in the history of this blog. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Manjulah Singapura

Today marks the 49th birth day of Singapore. Many of the buildings - private and public alike - have been covered with red and white for the past few weeks to celebrate the occasion. Also many cars sport a little Singapore flag on the windows or colored pouches over rear view mirrors. In addition shops are heavily promoting Singapore t-shirts and related paraphernalia at this time. 

I actually find it rather charming this hype about a nation. The pleasant observation is that there is only a positive spin on the national pride from what I'm able to see.  Sadly nationalism has been somewhat smudged and owned by the right wing extremists in Finland and several other European countries. I wouldn't think of wearing a shirt with Finnish flag unless I intentionally wanted to risk being labeled as red neck neo-nazi. 

Big surprise for this year's birthday festivities was that it rained a little during the National Day Parade. From what I have heard they  actually seed the clouds to prevent rain on special days like NDP and formula one race day (!). Probably not something that you would see in Europe...
Finally cannot do much but to have a wry smile when reading the neverending bright eyed touting for the prime minister by the National news paper:

"The crowd's enthusiasm reached an all-time high with the arrival of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who received the loudest cheers from the audience. He arrived before Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long [current PM's father] . As the former prime minister took his seat, the audience gave him a standing ovation. - See more here"

But then again I have no doubt that that really took place earlier today. Singaporeans seem to be truly happy and proud of their nation and genuinely appreciate the work Lee family has done for this place over the past 49 years.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

What is good "rye-ight" now?

I haven't really missed any food from Finland during all this time. Like I have mentioned before, you can find pretty much everything your heart might desire from the next door grocery store. However, after more than a year in between I just visited Finland briefly (it was actually warmer in Finland than in Singapore, imagine that!). On my way back I noticed that there is a proper grocery store inside Helsinki-Vantaa airport Arrivals hall. It is mostly catering for folks returning home in the evening flights, but realized then and there that it can also provide added value for departing passengers. I ended up buying a loaf of rye bread and some delicious cheese. I can get some Swedish rye bread in the local supermarket, but not the good everyday stuff. Also you can surely find various different cheese, but I am not sure if the Asians really appreciate the smelly goodness. It is a 12 hour direct flight from Helsinki to S'Pore, so any food will stay easily fresh in the cargo hold.

Now writing this particular blog entry with my mouth full of oh-so-familiar Finnish taste. It is actually pretty surreal feeling.

PS. As always it was a charm to waltz through the Changi airport with my multiple entry Visa permit. Having my fingerprint scanned and welcomed back home took me only few minutes.

PS2. BTW, while in Finland it did feel good to have access to proper toilet paper. Soft yet sturdy. Not the Singaporean fluffy stuff that easily gets all mushy in the wrong places.