Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Partly cloudy spring day

I know I am making an obvious comparison here, but I get asked a lot how's the weather in Finland at this time of the year. Is there still snow on the ground? At least they are seemingly enjoying some sun finally. The weather in Finland can be really nice in the Spring time. Personally I really like Spring, because dark and gloomy Winter is starting to melt away and there starts to be a promise of Summer in the air.

Over here it is mostly that year starts with Summer, then continues into Summer, after which the real Summer is finally here, after Summer is over it is once again Summer and eventually by the time when we get visited by Santa Claus it is Summer.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, still snow (and some new snow came down today as well). But like you said, spring is soon here, you can actually see sun at some point of the day :)
    Although I like winter, spring brings the long desired sunlight and of course makes Turku the best place in whole Finland.

